Mac Power 1997 December
Raven 1.2.sit
Raven 1.2
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Text File
112 lines
* File: ZConstants.cpp
* Summary: Various constants.
* Written by: Jesse Jones
* Copyright ゥ 1996-1997 Jesse Jones.
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in ZTypes.h
* Change History (most recent first):
* <5> 8/22/97 JDJ Added kShowInvalidationsCmd.
* <4> 6/15/97 JDJ Added kHelpCmd.
* <3> 8/15/97 JDJ Added kSaveAllCmd and kJunkAllCmd.
* <2> 8/06/97 JDJ Removed kEmptyString, kEmptyPascalString, and kUnknownString.
* <1> 10/16/96 JDJ Created
#include <ZConstants.h>
// ===================================================================================
// Messages
// ===================================================================================
const string kNothingMessage = "nothing";
const string kOKMessage = "ok";
const string kCancelMessage = "cancel";
// ===================================================================================
// Commands
// ===================================================================================
const MenuCommand kNothingCmd = "nothing";
const MenuCommand kAbortCmd = "abort"; // Command-period
const MenuCommand kHelpCmd = "help";
const MenuCommand kAboutCmd = "about"; // About Menu
const MenuCommand kDACmd = "da";
const MenuCommand kNewCmd = "new"; // File Menu
const MenuCommand kOpenCmd = "open";
const MenuCommand kCloseCmd = "close";
const MenuCommand kCloseAllCmd = "close all";
const MenuCommand kJunkAllCmd = "junk all";
const MenuCommand kSaveCmd = "save";
const MenuCommand kSaveAllCmd = "save all";
const MenuCommand kSaveAsCmd = "save as";
const MenuCommand kRevertCmd = "revert";
const MenuCommand kPageSetupCmd = "page setup";
const MenuCommand kPrintCmd = "print";
const MenuCommand kPrintOneCmd = "print one";
const MenuCommand kQuitCmd = "quit";
const MenuCommand kSaveCopyAsCmd = "save copy as";
const MenuCommand kUndoCmd = "undo"; // Edit Menu
const MenuCommand kRedoCmd = "redo";
const MenuCommand kCutCmd = "cut";
const MenuCommand kCopyCmd = "copy";
const MenuCommand kPasteCmd = "paste";
const MenuCommand kClearCmd = "clear";
const MenuCommand kSelectAllCmd = "select all";
const MenuCommand kShowClipboardCmd = "show clipboard";
const MenuCommand kStackWindowCmd = "stack windows"; // Window menu
const MenuCommand kTileWindowCmd = "tile windows";
const MenuCommand kNextWindowCmd = "next window";
const MenuCommand kFontMenuCmd = "font"; // Sub-menus
const MenuCommand kSizeMenuCmd = "size";
const MenuCommand kStyleMenuCmd = "style";
const MenuCommand kFontLargerCmd = "font larger"; // Size menu commands
const MenuCommand kFontSmallerCmd = "font smaller";
const MenuCommand kFontOtherCmd = "font other";
const MenuCommand kPlainCmd = "plain"; // Style menu commands
const MenuCommand kBoldCmd = "bold";
const MenuCommand kItalicCmd = "italic";
const MenuCommand kUnderlineCmd = "underline";
const MenuCommand kOutlineCmd = "outline";
const MenuCommand kShadowCmd = "shadow";
const MenuCommand kCondenseCmd = "condense";
const MenuCommand kExtendCmd = "extend";
const MenuCommand kJustifyDefaultCmd = "justify default"; // Text justification
const MenuCommand kJustifyLeftCmd = "justify left";
const MenuCommand kJustifyCenterCmd = "justify center";
const MenuCommand kJustifyRightCmd = "justify right";
const MenuCommand kJustifyFullCmd = "justify full";
const MenuCommand kTraceFlowCmd = "traceflow"; // Debugging commands
const MenuCommand kUnitTestCmd = "unit tests";
const MenuCommand kMACSBUGCmd = "macsbug";
const MenuCommand kIntenseDebugCmd = "intense debugging";
const MenuCommand kHeapCheckCmd = "heap check";
const MenuCommand kASSERTCmd = "assert";
const MenuCommand kShowHeapCmd = "show heap";
const MenuCommand kEatMemoryCmd = "eat memory";
const MenuCommand kPurgeMemoryCmd = "purge memory";
const MenuCommand kTRACEToSIOUXCmd = "trace to sioux";
const MenuCommand kTRACEToFileCmd = "trace to file";
const MenuCommand kTRACEAllToFileCmd = "trace all to file";
const MenuCommand kMonkeyCmd = "monkey";
const MenuCommand kDoEveryUnitTestCmd = "do every unit test";
const MenuCommand kShowSIOUXCmd = "show sioux";
const MenuCommand kShowInvalidationsCmd = "show invalidations";
const MenuCommand kFreeDeletedBlocksCmd = "free deleted blocks";
const MenuCommand kDumpObjectHeapCmd = "dump object heap";